The AMC Squad v4.5 released!

Introducing AMC Squad 4.5 Interim release!

Welcome to another surprise release! We took a very brief break from episode 5 and decided to push a big update to the existing release, with a huge swathe of improvements! Download AMC Squad 4.5 right now, and read on for the new features.

  • Projectile Bullets; Enemies no longer fire hitscan bullets, but projectiles - not only does this make where gunfire coming from significantly easier to determine, it also makes fights far more visually interesting.
  • Overhauled Gameplay balance; there are far more ways to earn resources. You can now directly purchase ammunition and any speciality ammo from weapon terminals, as long as you have the supplies to do so. You can also find and air lift supply barrels found throughout the game! Many weapons have received tweaks to make them more useful and viable throughout all of AMC Squad.

  • Updated Research Terminal; the research terminal has been completely overhauled and is far easier to use, with filters to easily find what you're looking for. Tech level is also no longer a hard requirement; you can research a project at any point - but if you're under the minimum tech level, it'll cost more to research. The opposite is also true; projects become cheaper the more tech level you have.
  • Bestiary system; AMC now has an extensive Bestiary for you to fill - not only will it reveal interesting information about the enemies you battle, it's also directly tied into the research system now. With a simple click you can find out what enemies you need to hit with the MIA gun to research a project! Not only this, but with the precog system base upgrade you'll be able to see exactly what enemies you might encounter in a mission.

  • Dynamic airstrike and air supply system; originally a simple scripted system, you can now pull out the AMC PDU whilst outside and order an air strike or an air drop - at a supply cost. You'll only be able to do this if an Airfield is within distance of the mission's location, so make sure you keep on top of purchasing air fields and other upgrades wherever possible.
  • Loadout icons that will help you find out what a weapon is effective against; put together a loadout that caters to the mission you're going on with far more ease!

  • More music! Our musician HiveBoSs has created over a hundred tracks of music, replacing existing borrowed music. All of the EDF missions have unique music now! You can find the OST on HiveBoSs' YouTube channel here:
  • Even more features; more Chibis to find, base customisation, new FMVs, new weapons, new enemies - even if you've already played AMC Squad, there will be something new for you to see in AMC Squad 4.5!

Community and Release

As always, please join our Discord if you wish to join the discussion - we have a friendly and open community and there's always someone around to help newcomers. We're aiming to try and get internal testing begun by the end of the year, but as always we're all adults and life will inevitably get in the way of work. If you're interested in trying to help, by all means join the discord and ask. Have a good summer and stay safe - we're aiming for next year for Episode 5's release!

If you enjoyed AMC Squad, please spread the word for us! We're growing in size and exposure but still flying under the radar of many people; "Why have I never heard of this?!" is a common phrase thrown around by people playing AMC for the first time.


The AMC Squad v4.5.2 FULL 1 GB
5 days ago

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